
Student Political activism in third world.

Student Political activism in third world. Reviewed by:Ejaz Baba(Central Committee member BSAC) Student political activism remains a key issue for third world universities.Because third world student activism is a complex phenomenon which has important implications for both university and society. First, we must understand the power of students.So, here question …

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Nation and Nationalism: Review by Asif Baloch

Back to the future (The Khanate of Kalat and the Genesis of Baloch Nationalism 1915-1955) Writer: – Martin AxmannRevew by: Asif Baloch Nation and Nationalism Nationalists usually themselves representatives of an existing centuries old nation that has national symbols, language, culture, mythology, and in some cases even a national religion. …

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The Shadow of Our Tree: Sameer Mazar

Once I was walking somewhere without knowing where to go but set forth into the wild. In the path of my meaningless journey, I paused at a place to quench my thirst, all alone in the mountains of Burzkoh. The only possible shade for me was a shadow of a …

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Mir Hammal: A Symbol of Resistance by Gulab Baloch

It is a well-known fact that dominant nations have always endeavored hard to bring the weakernations under their control in order to have access to their resources. If we turn over thepages of history, we will conclude that vulnerable nations have always been fighting for theirsurvival and the stronger have …

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New Social Class emerged in Balochistan: Amin Zaamin Baloch

This article just shows that the literate middle class of so-called youth is producing an ideology-less political ground only for the sake of securing a political participation, which leads the class toward the fulfillment of economical (luxurious) need in Balochistan. However, before elections’ result a new class of youth has …

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