Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshal | Book Review | BSAC

Prisoners of Geography: Ten maps that explain everything about the world.

Author: Tim Marshall

Review by Hakeem Baloch

Baloch Students Action Committee

About the author:

Tim Marshall is a London based writer.” He has sheer grip on foreign affairs and Current affairs. His famous books, The Power of Geography: Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World, The Future of Geography: How Power and Politics in Space Will Change Our World, Prisoners of Geography: Ten maps that explain everything about the world and many more on geography and current affairs. He is known for is his prestigious piece of work. He has an experience of 25 Years on reporting on foreign affairs. He has reported about Politics and war in more than 40 Countries.


This book is about the world map along with war and political strategies. In today’s era, we hear much about water politics, polar directions of world powers but we are unable to crystallize our concepts due to many doubts and enigmas.

The main reason for it is our lack of knowledge about geography. After reading this book one may consider geography as the base to understand the international relations and fundamentals of world politics.

The crux of this book is geopolitics.

It has described 10 maps of countries along with their past historical policies and wars. It just provides us a bird’s eye for understanding the politics of our Planet Earth.

The writer emphasizes much about the role of geography in defense and prosperity of States. The geography of land on which we live has always shaped us. It has shaped the wars, the power, politics and social development of the people. Individual leaders, ideas, technology and other factors play a role in shaping Politics but all of them are temporary. The permanent policy is of geography and it suggests us that nature is more powerful than man. One should think why India and China despite so much. Rudeness in relations, don’t indulge into war (except of 1962). The main reason is the geography of Himalayas mountain range. It’s just practically impossible to advance large military columns through or over Himalayas.

The 10 maps are explained below to understand.


Russia is a vast country located in 2 continents Asia and Europe. 75% of its territory is in Asia covering 22% of its population while other rests in Europe. In 1939, Winston Churchill made his famous observation about Russia, “It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. But perhaps there is a key “Russia has never been conquered due to its strategic depth. Napoleons made an attempt to conquer Russia in 1812 and Hitler repeated the same in 1947 but couldn’t succeed. Russia’s ports are frozen for 6 months of a year. Sevastopol is only warm water port. Crucially the Invasion of Afghanistan was meants for Russian army to wash their boots in the warm water of Indian Ocean (Gawader Port). At the peaks of Ural Mountains lies the Cross marking the place where Europe starts and Asia stops. Tourists like to vist to put one foot in Europe and other in Asia. 1917’s Bolshevik revolution turned the region into Union of Soviets called USSR or Soviet Unions. In 1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed to protect Europe and North American States against the danger of Soviet aggression. In response of NATO, the communist states of Europe under the leadership of USSR formed the Warsaw pact in 1955, a treaty of military defense and mutual aid against NATO nations. In today’s world we see a reverse. Those who were In Warsaw pact are now NATO members or European Union. Despite its 75% land in Asia and bordering with States like Mongolia, China and North Korea, and maritime borders with Japan and America, Russia is considered more an European power than an Asian power. Russia’s warm water dream and Afghan experience is called “Russian Vietnam”. While the plains of Kandahar and mountains of Hindu Kush has made Afghanistan the “Graveyard Of Empires” .In 1992, Soviet Union broke apart into 15 countries. Those newly formed countries exists in 3 categories at present. Some are NEUTRAL Like Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. Some are PRO-RUSSIAN like Kazakhstan, Krygstan, Tajikistan, Belarus, and Armenia while other are AMT-RUSSIAN or pro-western like Poland, Estonia, Latvia, the czech Republic, Bulgaria and Hungry. The on-going Ukranian-Russian Conflict is the tip of this ice-berg. European Union has took Ukraine’s side in this war. In reaction Russia has disconnected gas and oil supplies to Europe as it was receiving 25% of its Oil and Gas needs from Russia.


China, an ancient civilization pretending to be a nation in this generation, originates into a state from 1500 BCE, emerging mini-cities into “The Shang dynasty and the people ruled by Shang dynasty were called Han people and today’s Chinese population is 90% of Han. Chinese Great Wall and Grand Canal are the remnants of ancient civilization, The Great Wall had been first built by Qin dynasty (221-207 BCE) While the Grand Canal, world’s longest man made waterway linking the Yellow River to Yangtze was made in Sai dynasty (581-618 BCE) period taking several million slaves for 5 years to do the works

. In the 18th century, China expanded its boundaries up to Burma, Indonesia and Xinjiang. But in adding to its size, China has also added to its problems-Later Japanese Invaded on Chinese areas in 1932 and 1937 occupying Manchaia and Inner Mongolia. But after Japan’s surrender to America in Second World War, these areas went into control of Soviet army which then withdrawn in 1946.

Prior to taking charge of state, two major parties competed for power. The nationalists under the leadership of Chiang Kai-shek and Communists under Chairman Mao. The Communists emerged victorious and took over the charge of state spread the idea of communism. China’s two regions, Tibet and Xinjiang are of prime importance due to pro-longed independence movements.

Tibet is called China’s water tower because three of Chinese great rivers (Yellow, Yangtze and Mekong) Pass through it and provide water source to the giant population. China wants to control Tibet while Tibet want to be an independent State. Tibet also

Shares border with India, who also hopes to control Tibet. If India succeed to control Tibet, China would go thirsty as Tibet is its water tower. Whenever, America makes a statement about the Sovereignty of Tibet, China gets irritated. In 1950, Chinese Communist Party’s Liberation army began building roads, huge improvement in living standard and health care facilities, exporting Tibetan goods, but along with this, the population of Han Chinese is escalating rapidly.

Xinjiang also possess a nationalist separatist movement. Beijing paints the separatist as Islamic terrorists. To become a two ocean power (pacific and Indian), China signed a 40 years lease on Gwader port in 2015 as CPEC, a part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

China also claims Taiwan as its 23rd province

But it is currently an American ally. Taiwan’s official name is Republic of China (ROC) as different from People’s Republic of China. ROC claims to run both territories under its leadership and does not claim itself a separate state.


“God has special providence for foods, drunks and the united States of America”, this Statement has been true in every situation from discovery of America to its colonization by Europe or from colonized to become the Super power. Due to natural harbors and fertile soil, Europe took much interest and occupied America, making more than 13 colonies of different states of America. This led to decolonization phase and ultimately announced the Declaration of Independence (1776). After the Independence act, America Planned to demolish the remnants of post-colonial thoughts. It widened its territories by due or undue means.

“In 1803, USA brought control of Louisiana from France. By this USA got control from Gulf of Mexico to the Mississippi river in the Rocky Mountains Handing over $15 million to France, helped USA to double its size and get control over – the greatest inland water transport. On Louisiana Purchase, American historian Henry Adams commented that “Never did the United Nations get so much for so little”. United States next move was the purchase of Florida from Spain in 1819. In 1823 Washington DC issued Monroe Doctrine (after a president’s name), warning the European powers that they could no longer seek land In Western Hemisphere, if they lost any area, couldn’t reclaim it. Moreover, in 1867, Alaska was brought from Russia for $7.2 million. This agreement was Called Seward’s Folly. The media and public accused secretary of State, Seward of purchasing “snow” but with the discovery of gold in 1896, their mind changed. After these achievements, America had controlled waterways and geographical points for trade and marketing, making “a solid defense through borders and maritime borders. Its defeat in Vietnam couldn’t alter their vision on their hegemony. America felt threat from Russia and European Union. Russia though was not in the capitalist game but is a headache for United States. NATO’S military leadership is always kept an American so that he can justify American interests against Russia. In 2014 America had a hand in changing Ukrainian government. In fact while America was indulged in war with Iraq and Afghanistan, Russia had preceded and dominated its nearby neighborhood states mainly Ukraine. America’s heed towards Russia left china growing without any hindrance. America’s 2nd foe, European Union weakened after 2008’s EU’s economic crisis and it could no more threaten American interests.


The Climate of Gulf Stream and right amount of rainfall blessed the Europe to cultivate crops, (agriculture revolution) and export them. This turned people’s attention to ideas and technology along with growing food. In modern Europe “can witness many countries within we a small space. It’s clue to the many rivers of Europe that don’t connect with each other, thus forming natural borders with many nation states. Western Europe no real deserts and free of earthquakes, volcanoes and flooding. Danube, Europe’s longest river (1771 miles) flows from Black Forest of Germany to Black sea. It makes natural borders of 18 countries. While two thousand years ago, it was one the borders of Roman Empire. It also formed the natural borders of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Countries of Northern region are richer as the industrialized first, more coastal plains than Southern countries, which lack agriculture and Suffered droughts and natural disasters. All northern Countries lies in Western Europe. While France is the only European country to be both a northern and a Southern power. Its fertile land lies in west while its rivers to the North (The Seine, The Rhone).

Spain and Greece are also struggling because of their geography. Narrow coastal plains poor soil and short rivers hinders their trade. Geography of these highly educated, skilled and technology advanced nations is always hampering their peak goals.

NATO and European Union membership has been the factors for measuring potency. There have been threats and betrayals for countries for joining These Unions. In 1939 Britain and France signed an agreement that they would rescue Poland if Germany invaded but when the attack came, both didn’t intervene. Moreover the BREXIT (British’s exit from EU) is a threat for EU to keep members states intact. Brexit has saddened America too as like was its eyes and ears in EU. Why Germany being a crucial member of EU, wants the strength and unity of EU, Otherwise wars with major powers hangs over it and it had to turn towards protectionism. UK, once a member of EU has prime strategic advantages due to its location. The GIUK gap is major water pathway and is as important for UK as Strait of Malacca is for China. Britain’s exit from EU was mainly due to, two reasons, the Immigrants Sovereignty while many other member States claimed that various foreign criminal who have committed serious Crimes can’t be deported from UK because of European Convention in Human Rights.


Africa, known to originate mankind (we are all Africans as per ancestors concerned), notorious to be hard hit region, 3rd world with high ratio of poverty and profoundly stricken by various strains viral and bacterial pandemics (HIV and tsetse fly being most common). While on the other hand, its geography depicts a massive landscape full of minerals of billion dollar cost. Despite having rivers like Zambezi, Niger and Nile and contains 30% reservoirs of minerals, it couldn’t avail them to required extent due to following reasons.

1) The African rivers don’t connect with each other to become a suitable route for trade.

2) The vastness of languages and cultures has been a bone of contention for its economic progress.

3) The European colonization has forced them into many artificial structures like nation state, which has weaken them.

Due to these reasons we can say Africa has been blessed (as it contains minerals in abundance) and cursed (because outsiders have looted them). However due to nation states, foreign countries now invest rather than steal which help them to claim a hand to mouth share.

Ethiopia, Egypt, Angola, Nigeria and Tanzania are prime countries to be discussed here as per their geostrategic importance.

Egypt is one of the most populated country of Africa being a nation state where most European lived. It has been always in conflict with Israel (5 wars fought in between both) to seize a foothold in eastern Suez Canal and Sinai Peninsula. Suez Canal upholds the backbone of world trade through which 8% of world trade passes every day.

Ethiopia also known as Africa’s water tower due to Nile River. It has more than twenty dams and has announced a project with china to build a massive hydroelectric project on the river to produce electricity.

Its conflicts with Egypt over Water Rivers has worsened the common man’s economics badly. This may lead to an ultimate water war between the two.

Tanzania, a country struggling to be Leader of East Africa has agreed upon billion dollars with deals with China and Oman to construct Bagamoyo port as Africa’s largest port which could accommodate 20 million cargo containers per year.

Nigeria, the largest producer of high quality oil of Africa is one of the most powerful country. The existence of Islamic group Boko Haram is a big hurdle in its far-off goals. Its coordination and military support are French and American’s eyes in Africa.

Angola, the 2nd largest producer of oil in Africa was a Portuguese colony until 1975. Many civil wars have broken out in Angola after its independence.

Furthermore, we see a great Chinese dream for its hegemony over Africa. The billion dollars deal with Africans in infrastructure, mining minerals, hydroelectricity and oil fields are crystal clear symptoms for the neo-colonization of Africa by China.


It’s confusing to understand the term middle east as it’s not clear that middle of what or East of where. It’s all based according to Europe as this region lies in the middle of Eastern Europe and South Asia, and as per direction of Europe it’s lies in its East.

The countries which are part of Middle East were once under the domain of Ottoman Empire. Kurdistan though not an independent country is the raising headache for Iraq, Turkey. Beyond this majority of countries are affected by Outsider’s (especially British) “Divide and Rule” policy in the name of tribes, religions and sects within religion.

Lebanon as heard from outside world seems united country but when you land there, circumstances alter as Lebanese force has no existence while Hezbollah militia has the control of majority areas .Civil wars have been the common tradition of Lebanon. Its last civil war lasted for 15 years.

Syria is the fulfiller of many others wishes. The Sunni and Shiah clashes have indulged it into a irreversible destruction. AL Qaeda’s existence is the biggest threat for civil wars amongst it’s people belonging to different sects of Islam. In 2015 American attached on ISIS (the successor of al Qaeda) from its base camps in UAE and Kuwait. To have global control USA tends to increase its base camps Upton 10 Headquarters for which it’s has to keep brotherhood relationship with each host countries. The mineral rich Middle East comprising of Iraq and Syria located at the prime center of world controlling the world trade routes are spoiled into Sunni Shiah conflicts to provoke more and more instability in Middle East so that they may not avail much benefits of god gifted geography.

Britain’s double game with Israel and Palestine before 2nd world war was an indirect genocidal policy for Palestinians. Britain signed agreement with Jews to provide them a sovereign state in between the Arabs. After the establishment of Israel and its rapid expansion to Palestinian areas, a resistive war broke out which ultimately led to UN’s intervention. UN voted for the partition of region into two countries. Jews agreed which the Arabs denied the proposal. During these initial conflict between neonate Israel and Palestine, Jordan occupied west bank and Egypt expanded into Gaza Strip. After the 6 days war in 1967, Israel won control of all, Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza. In 2005 Israel left Gaza. Gaza remains the most disputed area because of its location in border line and the dense population of 1.8 million is only accommodated in area of 25 miles long.

Iran is the non-Arabic giant Farsi speaking power of Middle East. There are 2 huge mountain ranges in Iran, the Zagras and the Elburz. This geography of mountains on three sides and water on fourth side has defended Iran from every enemy. In 1219 Mongols were the last forces who passed through this safer natural mountainous border, after that no one dare to invade this natural defense system of Iran. In 2003, during second Gulf war, America attacked Iraq and despite being closer to its biggest enemy Iran, it struggled to invade Iran due to Zagras and Elburz. So, in a fake way they propagated the phrase that, “We do deserts (Iraq) ,not mountains(Iran)”.Due to Iranian nuclear program, it has suffered a lot for its imports and exports. Its relationship with Arabs has been uneven from the origin. Saudi Arab-Iran turmoil’s are regarded as Middle East’s Cold war. As per Iranian atomic projects are concerned, Saudi Arab and Israel would be first to become its victims. Arabs of Saudi demands that they would probably need a bomb to control Iran’s aggression. After deal with American on nuclear programs in 2015, Israel feel the threat for its existence. Israel is aiming to stop Iran for making atomic weapons as threats wonder for a Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear sites but Europe and America are acting as pressure groups to abstain Israel from its ambitions to attack Iran otherwise Iran may hanger the supply chains of Europe and America through strait of Hormuz.

Turkey, the predecessor of Ottoman Empire lies at the borderline of Asia and Europe. But it heads much towards Europe. After the demolition of empires, Mustafa Kamal, a military general took command of Turkish who had much public support to compel the traitor s to flee away along with British. He revolutionized turkey with his hardworking reforms. He politicized his people by visiting every village, brought reforms for education and health sector, measure were taken for unveiling, change of Turkish turban. He introduced program of political, economic, and cultural reforms with the ultimate aim of building a republican and secular nation-state. He made primary education free and compulsory, opening thousands of new schools all over the country. Notably his reforms were much closer to European modernism so that the traditional Islamic habits may not hinder its path for joining European Union. On these reforms he was given the title of “Ataturk” meaning “Father of Turks”. But In 1983 when new leader Turgot Ozal took charge of government, he went conventional to become a power within, not just relying on European Union. The efforts made for joining EU were turned towards self-building Turkey as a major power in Middle East as well as in Europe.

The same was the strategy for Ozal’s successor. Modern Turkey as named as Turkey under the leadership of Tayyap Erdogan follows the plans of becoming a “Power within”. Some of Turkish enemy fear that Erdogan wishes to reestablish the former Ottoman Empire.


Emerging world power India and struggling Pakistan has the historical rivalry imposed on them from colonial era. Though India is a subcontinent of many nationalities but has successive Kashmir has been the bone of contention for both the state due to which they utilize majority of their earnings on weapons to gain military power against each other. On this they have fought 4 military wars, while cold war keeps going from the day. Each wants other to merge into other. For India, dominancy over Kashmir provides it direct border line with Afghanistan and its border with China enhances. In contrast, Pakistan would lose the border with its best friend, China and its water network would be almost fully depended on India. In this scenario of dominance, Afghanistan is the decider. Each wants Kabul to be enemy of its enemy. For its Pakistan and it’s ISI Shook hand with American against Russian Red Army by stabilizing Talibans. But after the NATO and American withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Kabul regime’s behavior has been so rude to Pakistan, calling it as equal calibrator. In such scenes, India get plus point automatically.

China wishes to use land route and port of Balochistan for reaching Middle East and European market altering its current route through Strait of Malacca is being challenged by ongoing Baloch independence movement.

The Durand line drawn in 1893 by Sir Mortimer Durand, the foreign secretary of foreign government has divided the Pashtun ethnicity into two state of Afghanistan and Pakistan. In 1949 Afghan government annulled the agreement of Durand line and every Pashtun from either side don’t accept this artificial line dividing the nation. Despite Pakistan’s “lectures of mutual understanding” to Afghans over the line the dispute is getting worsened day by day along with the demand of pashtunistan.

India faces similar challenge due to its unending conflicts with China over several region, each claiming to own those areas. The ongoing independence movements in India would hinder India from achieving its aims.

After Chinese’s annexation of Tibet, India has provided asylum to Tibetan independence movement in Dharamsala. The uprising Maoist dominancy in Nepal is Chinese counter challenge to India which India is bitterly absorbing at the present. Arunchal pardesh , which borders with China ,Bhutan and Burma with strategic importance has been turned into disputed areas as China claims it to be its part because of its geographical location.

The Indian separatist movement includes Sikh Movement struggling for uniting Indian and Pakistani Punjab into a Sikh dominated Independence state. The Muslim of Assam are also demanding a separate county which includes Muslim majority areas of Assam. In Nagaland,there is a movement to create an independent Christian state.


The origin of Koreans has a divine sign. In 2333 BCE, the lord of heaven sent his son Hwanung who descended on Paektu Mountain and married a women, who was believed to be bear. They gave birth to a boy named Dangun who ruled over to make a nation, the Koreans.

Korean is located at East of China in the shape of two state always standing as rivals against each other.

In 1910 Japan invaded on Korea and annexed both South Korea and North Korea. But after Japan’s defeat in 1945 at the end of 2nd world war, it left Korea dividing it into two countries as South Korea and North Korea through 38 parallel (the boundary line).

North Korea being a self-isolated country imposing torture, prison camps and extrajudicial killings on its citizens has termed it to be the least democratic country of world. N. Korea came under Russian control after Japan’s withdrawal. Its ideology resembled much closer to china and Russia being Communist. While South stand pro American and anti-china. This basic clash of ideology has lead them to eternal rivalry each becoming ally to great Powers to maintain their existence from each other’s invasion.

After Russian withdrawal from North in 1948, it reached Chinese door for maintenance. Till today it’s almost depended on china as we see more than 84 percentage of its both imports and exports are linked with China, who happily invests billion to keep North Korea as buffer zone so that American forces and its ally South Korea and Japan may not have easy access to china. While in 1949 after American withdrawal from South Korea, North Korea moved its force beyond the 38 parallel line to invade Sound but after American and UN’s intervention, North pulled their forces back to the line.

Japan is the land of sun rising, a country added up by four major islands. It has invaded Taiwan in 1895, annexed Korea in 1910 and a full skill attack on China in 1937.

Japan expanded to Northern Indochina (Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam) to grip the natural resources of this region, especially rubber which was being exported to USA, the most required raw materials for US industries.

On this USA warned Japan to leave northern Indochina or face Shortage of oil (because USA was meeting Japan’s oil needs). Japan couldn’t pay heed to its warning rather it went more combating by occupying Southeast Asia taking Burma, Singapore, and Philippines.

This was an open challenge for the super power, America who couldn’t have any geographical land or sea route to attack Japan. So, only way left was to launch airstrike but not with ordinary bombs.

So, finally the air attack was attempted on Japan by USA with nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and everything smashed into ashes. After the destruction, America helped to rebuild Japan. Japan constitution has no option for regular army and military expenditure, it only rely on self-defense Force, but after public pressure and USA support, it is about to amend this chapter of constitution.


This region includes almost 20 countries like Argentina, Chille, Brazil, Bolivia, and Ecuador.

The prefix Latin shows that languages being spoken in these countries originate from the Latin language. This region includes the whole of South America and Central America. Its borders line with Mexico. These countries maintain a hand to mouth earnings and their moderate or you can say poor economy as compare to North America (USA), is the secret being American hegemony not only in Latin America but over the whole World. They have been engaged in border wars with each other’s for expansion of their land, as we see in other continents. Particularly the war between Bolivia and Chile in 1897 is sum up for almost every country of Latin America. In this war also known as war of pacific Bolivia lost 250 miles of its coastal line and converted into a landlocked country. After then it couldn’t recover from the smash, despite having so many reserves of gas, still amongst the poorest country of Latin America. Bolivia decided to supply gas to Chile, but they rejected the proposal.

Mexico and USA presently have calm relationship due to their past history wars with each other and America being market zone for Mexican drugs. Mexico though has emerged on global economy but it’s geography of deserts and mountain restrain it from forward ambitions. In 1846-48 American-Mexican war has left Mexico broken and its 4 major areas, California, New Mexico, Texas and Arizona became part of USA. The people of these four state called Hispanics are Mexican origin and in this century may raise their voice to reunify with Mexico. But as per the relationship between USA and Mexico there is less probability and Mexico can’t offered to support anti American movement due to its poor economy. Drugs is the common business in Mexico though it’s has launched war on drugs like American war on terror but the fact is whole of Mexico runs over this drugs cartel (or mafia) network .Once they were weakened but now they have their paramilitary protection where they get handful salaries and majority of common people consider it as better source of earning their livelihoods. Mexican government is engaged in so called war on drugs but everything is out of control from government.

The drug cartel control the whole networking and wants to runs the public and government through intimidations. However, this could soon spark up a civil war.

As per global trade is considered, USA is using Panama Canal to deliver its goods or receive energy from Asia and Europe. In combat to Panama Canal, China is investing to make a new world trade canal, the grand Nicaragua canal almost worth of 50$ billion. This could be China’s biggest penetration into America. It’s interesting to note that this project is not being run by China at state level. A Hong Kong based businessman named Wang Jing is handling it at personal costs. Not only this project, but majority of “technology theft” from America is done through so called personal businesses investment. But no doubt it’s beyond an individual deal and these tactics are part of China’s state policy and handsome amount of state budget is consumed for such projects.

Brazil, the major power in Latin America which would be one of the big players if its natural geography supported. Poor soil and unsuitable climate has destructed its agricultural power dreams. Though its technology has helped it to combat natural hurdle but it’s far from natural the goal. Brazil is struggling to gain a permanent seat in UN Security Council, for it, it has expanded its relations with neighbors. They have form an EU like set up called UNASUR. Twelve South America are part of it. Its part a member of BRICS.

Argentina, hundred years back amongst the top ten economy of world, is now just limited to be a first world country due to its wildly differing economic policies. If it gets due economic rights, could be primary regional power in Latin America. Argentina won wars against Brazil and Paraguay in nineteenth century, in which it got control of most valuable agricultural zones and real states of this continent. The Falkland Islands also called las Malvinas by Argentina were contested by Argentinian military in 1982, which were snatched by British just after 8 weeks. Currently Argentina is not in such a position to invade again as British once bitten are twice shy. Their Forces are wondering around the islands and USA_UK friendly relationship wouldn’t permit Argentina to even think of these island. However nothing remains constant in mutual interests and this conflict may raise again if not today then obviously tomorrow.


Arctic, the smallest ocean has turned into a focus of world regional power. This region includes parts of Canada, Russia, America, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. It has a long history of its discovery which has took lives of several voyagers and explorers. The ice caps and tundra’s of Arctic are rapidly melting causing severe climate change disasters. Russia and America are competing for hegemony over Arctic each expanding its vastness over military consuming billions of dollars for manufacturing icebreakers. Canada and America also possesses conflicts over a strait which Canada claims it to be its territory but America claims it to be international water zone and use it without Canadian permission. Control of Hans islands located in between Denmark and Canada has thrown them in continuous disputes.

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Baloch Students Action Committee is a Student political organization that aims to work for the betterment of Education in Balochistan and politicizing the youth.

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