Understanding Colonial divide and rule policy: Under the context of commercialization.

Understanding Colonial divide and rule policy: Under the context of commercialization.

By: Fahad Baloch

Baloch Students Action Committee

it is an undisputed fact that divide and rule policy is one of the main tools of classical and new colonialism in the frame of language, religion, caste and region. Such a same like tool has also been applied over the Baloch by the all colonizers from day first of their respective colonial approach in the historical epoch and in the so far episodes of history.

The State has practiced this colonial tool on the very first day of the outset of colonisation in shape of religion, language and caste and region bit by bit which affected us savagely.

But in studying the colonial literatures including Fanon, Edward Said, Ngugi wa Thiango, and Albert Memmi, Aime Cesaire etc, they have had mentioned the divisions cited above.

For understanding the commercialized division, we have to understand the commercialization itself.

It is a division on the basis of financial interests including marketing, job opportunities, trade safety, and other ensured financial services.

The Oxford Dictionary writes; the process of managing or running something principally for financial gain.

“Commercialization is the process of bringing new products or services to market. The broader act of commercialization entails production, distribution, marketing, sales, customer support, and other key functions critical to achieving the commercial success of the new product or service.” ‘Will Kenton’.

It is to say that the commercialization is linked to a business and to the personal interests in this day and age which is a source for the colonizers to use is as a tool to divide people of the same nation, the nations and the States too.

Such a same systematic approach is being experienced and applied upon us (Baloch).

Now we understand the commercialized based division among us as follows;

Division under the context of commercialization:

As the colonizer has experienced various types of division among Baloch which seemed to be foil in some extent so, a systematic division which, I, term commercial division has been tried for a decade now.

The masses of Baloch has been liberated little bit to have business of any type with free hand on a condition that, they will not support the rest of Baloch masses and any social movement regarding Baloch cause or otherwise.

Baloch nation has never been a self-centered one who in business has never forgotten the anguish going through and has never messed up with the any rising social movement.

Meanwhile, Baloch according to his capacity has supported the Baloch national struggle somehow.

In addition, the division followed by the recent business competition, against the other Baloch particularly of that same market and area or place, has been swept upward which causes an intolerance situation amongst themselves creating a chaos in the Baloch society.

I, have personally witnessed the insularity and unsympathetic cast of mind in Baloch towards the other Baloch in any tense circumstances, which has never been the manner cum mode of Baloch till date.

Furthermore, the very egocentric way of job seeking is, undeniably, one of the factor of the financial interest. In this manner everyone strives to seek a job and for which he/she has to show closeness with the parliamentary parties and offer his vote brushing off the very fact that we are oppressed and there’s no any provision for the oppressed to hold jobs, as Albert Memmi writes; “The oppressor have the jobs and positions, it is not because he (oppressor) has the ability to hold the jobs, but because the provisions (made by the oppressor) have merely reserved it for him”.

So, why we are shouldering up the oppressor in order to further the oppression upon us and being collaborators of those parliamentary parties, who in reality can’t be their own more than five years?

In putting my points in this regard, I, assume that the border oil trade is now-a-days is linked to this commercial division in which we have the exempli gratia of token system which is given by the concerned authorities to the most procurator of the State.

A common Baloch tries too, to have the token of oil trade which might get with the only condition to compete with the other one which is leading us to no-where.

Notwithstanding, being familiar with the above said facts, the students, too, are being victim of the self-centered factor which I, term tool of commercial division. The students’ self-centered factor is scholarship seeking by the way of competition using the tool of false information and manipulation of the rest students and trying to discord with the prerequisites of the nation which is, indisputably, an agitating state for us.

Concluding remarks:

All in all, I, conclude my points by highlighting that this is the system throwing us in a deep-dark-well which is compelling us to be back away from Baloch national politics as our commercial based financial interests come in between and also ignore any social movement regarding such.

It is also compelling us to take part in the so-called elections for the parliament, as we all are conscious about the very fact that these elections and parliament are quite nothing for Baloch but nonetheless, we are taking part. We might have an instance that in any social event we witness a massive gathering for a protest or rally against any wrongdoing, but right after the same event we participate in the parliamentarians’ gathering for nothing but selling our conscience for solely financial interests which have nothing to do with our national survival. If we need any salvation and avoidance of all these factors we have to do annulment of the tools of commercial division and have to boycott the upcoming general elections which will define the righteousness

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Baloch Students Action Committee is a Student political organization that aims to work for the betterment of Education in Balochistan and politicizing the youth.

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