Resisting the Colonial Mindset at the University of Turbat   

Resisting colonial mindset of university of Turbat   

By Wahag Baloch

It is a universal fact that universities are established for motivation of scientific research, promotion of education and nourishment of critical thinking. Based on such objectives, students in universities enjoy a great degree of freedom to undertake research on different fields of studies. The students are encouraged to expand their critical thinking for the progress and prosperity of the society. Further, the students are granted with the freedom to form students union and organization for resolution of their issues and protection of rights.

However, when it comes to university of Turbat, the things are on the contrary. It is sad to say that University of Turbat has become a colonial institution. It is an instrument of colonial mindset. It is further strengthening the colonial structure by curbing critical thinking, banning students’ activism through harassment, profiling, and threats by different means.

The hostel residing students are under such restrictions as if they are prisoners in a prison. Even a non-hostel-residing student of University of Turbat is not allowed to enter the premises of the hostel. Further, the students are strongly threatened against arrangement of any kind of gathering. Neither are they allowed to arrange an educational gathering nor any program for their refreshment. Last time, Baloch students Action committee conducted a study circle in hostel premises. Prior to the circle, the Hostel Provost issued a notice warning the students to avoid such activities, adding that their hostel allotment will be cancelled. The University administration is constantly blackmailing and threatening students. The admission forms of university include an illegal affidavit. Students are compelled to agree to its terms and conditions and sign it. The same affidavit is used to blackmail students against any students’ activism.

When the University of Turbat announced admission, Baloch Students Action Committee arranged an admission camp nearby the main gate. Its aim was to help students for securing their admissions. Students from far-flung areas need assistance with regard to procedure and requirement of admissions. Helping them is promoting higher education. However, this was not tolerable by University administration. The students sitting in admission camp were threatened. The security in charge of university made videos of them warning them of strict actions. Days after that, warning notices were sent to dozens of students. This is blackmailing, harassment and manifestation of colonial mindset.

In the light of above facts, the colonial, anti-education and stagnant mindset of university administration is clearly visible. It is intentionally curbing freedom of speech, freedom of association and freedom of assembly enshrined in the constitution. Such behavior of university administration is as destructive as cancer. They intend to strengthen the oppressive and inhuman colonial structure in Baloch society.

The University has become a tool of colonial tactics. Such tactics include de-politicizing the students, de-motivating critical thinking; maintain a sense of alienation among students of their society, culture and language and knowledge with regarding the world.

The purpose of de-politicizing the youth is to depoliticize the Baloch society. The university administration is fulfilling the colonial objective of de-orientalizing the Baloch youth of their culture, traditions, language, and identity. There is strict ban on study circle on any topic. The students are systematically restrained from their right to politics.   Such study environment as maintained in the university will merely produce a mentally barren youth, thus unable to lead the Baloch society in the fight against oppression, injustice, colonial behavior, conservatism, religious extremism and so on which are the production of the prevalent colonial system.

Finally, it is the national duty of students of University of Turbat in particular and the students in general to raise their voice and vow to resist such colonial behavior.  

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About Admin

Baloch Students Action Committee is a Student political organization that aims to work for the betterment of Education in Balochistan and politicizing the youth.

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