The Beautiful Souls in State Torture cells, Leaving an unremitting Anguish

The Beautiful Souls in State Torture cells, Leaving an unremitting Anguish

By: Fahad Baloch

Balochistan has been a hotbed of enforced disappearances followed by all other types of cruelties. In disappearances, the youth have been the prime target with the primary object to detach them from taking part in struggle for a better political end. Which a politically matured and conscientious one will carry so on and so.

As following the routine objective of disappearances, two students of University of Balochistan, namely Sohail Baloch and Fassieh Baloch, both residents of Nushki, were subjected to forced disappearance from the precincts of university on November 2, 2021, and now it has been two full years, but so far their whereabouts are unknown, neither were they released nor produced before any public court.

In their disappearance, the most irony is that they were wrenched away from university and the installed CCTV footages were vanished out from the controlled monitor, which shows the footage removing work has been carried by a very knowhow. And it creates a clue of quiddity towards the involvement of the varsity, in carrying out the very subhuman act by the State equipments likely as they are continuously carrying out.

On against the forced abduction of Sohail Baloch and Fassieh, the Baloch students, in protest, boycotted their classes not merely the department fellows, but the whole university and also had their sit-in protest in front of the university’s main gate with the shoulder to shoulder support of Baloch student organizations particularly BSAC, which eventually lead to the blockade of university main way and administration too.

After 22 days of relentless sit-in in the very cold weather, the government committee constituted by then ministers followed by the UoB varsity came to the students and assured them that committee shall make efforts to release them within 15 days and also asked them to end the sit-in as a strong belief by an ultimatum of 15 days. It led the students to temporarily end their sit-in, but so far there is not a single traceable report vis-a-vis their whereabouts.

Their disappearances not only affected their family members badly, but also their university-fellows, department and batch-fellows too. Such an effect is directly or indirectly victimising the Baloch students enrolled in the university. As the university (As been narrated that a safe and secure place to get education), is no more an educational institution for Baloch students, but a threatening zone to maintain a frightening policy towards the oppressed Baloch.

An immense state of intimidation is existing here in Shaal (Quetta), particularly University of Balochistan, might not merely the reason is to be linked to Sohail & Fassieh’s disappearances, but fortified because of this tragic event. This will lead to a cause where none a parent will be ready to send their sons and daughters to university. This is now gonna be common bit by by.

The forced abduction policy is engulfing Baloch youth particularly, and leaving its unremitting anguish towards the generation for nothing. This is an agonizing state of mind for the Baloch and the victims’ families who send their beloved ones for education but couldn’t be able to have them back likely. They fear of target killing, fake encounter (A very systematic policy to murder any Baloch), enforced disappearances and other act of same nature.

Sohail Baloch and Fassieh Baloch’s abduction has also badly affected their families respectively, as Fassieh’s father, in a gathering, says “if Fassieh has committed an act, State behead him. I will say not a word, but be produced to public not be subjected to missing”.

Same as Sohail’s mother was asked about this heart-wrenching event, she stated that “I had advised my elder son not to send my youngest son to University the strangers will take-cum-disappear him like other Baloch students, but they paid no heed to my words”.
The words of Sohail Jan’s mother might be a phrase of two to three sentences, but deeply are heart-wrenching to express her fear of disappearances.

This intimidation is being fostered, as the upsurge in the disappearances is being marked in Balochistan with every passing day and it is leaving its effect very negatively, as any of the Baloch student or a youth disappeared the nearer one’s sensibilities are being vanished by and by which marks that not only the individual go through this oppression will be affected but the rest of the individuals losing their sensitivity which is very dangerous for an oppressed nation. As we are the victimized ones and has to be much sensitive about the negativities followed by the cruelties of State.

Political scholars says: For a colonizer there are two ways to sustain their oppression and colonization one is; To kill every individual of that Nation, which is an ideal thought can’t be carried out practically. To be short, it is Hard policy. Other is; To assimilate the colonized nation by the variety of tactics and systemic ideas. To be short, it is soft policy.
Here in Balochistan we face the State is practicing both the police including hard and soft policies over Baloch irrespectively. Hard power to kill and dump and establish its adread and terror, Soft policy to validate and justify its all aforementioned oppressions.

It is killing, assassinating, and enforceably disappearing the Baloch and also practicing its soft policies in different means amd ways, which we as ordinary prudence can comprehend. Sohail Baloch and Fassieh Baloch’s abduction is linking to the hard policy of the State and its operatives. This pain is as much deep and ghastful as some one’s dead isn’t. This will haunt more in contrast to death.

Sohail Baloch and Fassieh Baloch were top scorers in their department which was Pakistan Studies, and today their classmates completed 4 semesters in their absence. Who will bring back their precious time back?
Most importantly, their two full years, happiness, normal life, and their families smoothly life. Their mothers’ pain, tears from eyes, sleepless nights, distress are the most concerned points to remember. Who will pay for such?

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Baloch Students Action Committee is a Student political organization that aims to work for the betterment of Education in Balochistan and politicizing the youth.

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