The rapid emergence of small groups within a subjugated nation is dangerous.!


Fahad Baloch

In a colonized nation, the political parties, including mass parties and student organizations, play the leading role in the masses’ mobilization and in organizing the mobilized part of masses in a fortified struggle for a main and central cause.

We might study the movements of different colonized nations, which strived to achieve their only national goal by regaining their national identity under the banner of a central organisation and leadership. They conceivably had different groups called fronts, but all were under a single central leading power, which led all small groups for the greater cause – the national identity. In fact, all the movements, particularly the national liberation movements, can only be achieved by a central ideology and a central strategy and policy.

Lakmeer Baloch quotes: Wherever political movements have risen in the world, the reasons for their success and failure can be found from the history of strong organizations. And the organizations seem to be working to achieve their goals by highlighting their strong status and highlighting the national and political consciousness.”

In contrary to Baloch national struggle, there are number of small groups like student Fronts and Forums, civil and welfare societies, and literally and educational associations emerging very promptly all with different Ideologies, policies and more importantly with distinct cause. In my opinion, it is a direct threat to the Baloch’s national cause.

Now, let’s come to discuss the danger of the small groups: we might see today these groups have their own systematic approach for arranging programs and activities and leading the youth as per their own path.

These groups are leading the masses, including youth, in such a way which the Baloch national struggle, unquestionably, does not need at this time of colonial height and domination. They have different programs to arrange which are not linked to the prerequisites of Baloch national struggle. Because when these have distinct programs, then the unity for a central cause is divided and will have no any strong force and effect.

For instance, in a colonized nation, the actual and real institutions are the student organizations and mass parties which have the program and direction for the very cause of national struggle. They can change the negative and false perceptions against their nation, its culture and history, created by the colonizers. They can work in shaping the minds of masses for a better future and so on.

Now, if a student from Kalat is a member of Kalat Students Forum, will never ever seek membership in a leading student organisation to realise the importance of unity and struggle and also will not struggle for the central cause, because he or she is not bound to any central leadership.

Furthermore, the priorities, activities and programs matter for them. Today, we see that if a Twitter trend will be announced by a leading student organisation or a mass pressure group, it does not hit the trending mark. The only issue is, it is not acknowledged by other groups or individuals. Likewise, if a protest, rally or a sit-in protest is announced by the same organisation or mass party, the participation is also less. The only reason is not accepting and tolerating one another because the interests matter here.

One day, one of my closest friends, while discussing this issue quoted Vladimir Lenin: “In the colonial era, a nation, undergoing through national struggle, will face the problem of different unions and groups which will split up the unity and the central cause, which is a successful stratagem for the colonizer.”

This is to say, the groups are not bounded under any central cause and leadership will never meet the prerequisites of national struggle and, in fact, will mislead the masses including youth.

Many student groups, which I have observed, have adapted Liberalism and combat liberalism Ideologies (By which they try to defend them by doing any societal spoilage). It is leading them far from the actual and genuine issue of Baloch nation. The Baloch masses are feeling scruple and are reluctant to participate in any resistance and adapt a common and central idea vis-a-vis the main cause. This issue is also promoting the Individuality and individuals, and not the organisational leaders.

Notwithstanding, these groups must be discouraged as soon as possible or be bound to a central leadership and communication in order to avoid any threat to the national goal.

The emergence of groups also dishonoring the highest place of student organisations’ leadership and their policies which is, in fact, an extreme mark of danger. Such groups are often seemed arranging festivals in Quetta, Kalat, Tejaban and Kech and different other regions, but no one knows what is their central focus of discussion and how deep it is necessary for the Baloch national cause.

As we have observed and witnessed the insufficient strength and the ineffective force against any oppression and barbarous. There was a time when the leading student organisation announced any occasion, program or protest was held and conducted with a great strength. Students and masses voluntarily attended that said program with zeal and passion. We all are going through the zenith of brutalities and heights of salvation and colonization, if not now then when to realise the fact?

All in all, the emergence of these groups is an anti-revolutionary deed and must be countered down. Baloch national struggle has to organise all the masses including students under a central cause, which should have been bound by a center. These groups either must be thrust aside or the central cause, policy and leadership must have a hold over the groups including educational and student councils, student fronts and forums, civil and welfare societies etc. These all must work, do activity and organise programs under the highly bound central cause and leadership, which must reflect an effective force over the masses including the need of national struggle in this time.

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